With the risks facing marine stakeholders becoming increasingly complex and wide-ranging, marine insurance has never been more important and it is equally important that you have access to the very best marine insurance legal advice.

Marine insurance provides coverage and protection against damages and losses caused to ships, ports and terminals and the third party risks that shipowners, charterers and other stakeholders face.

In such a complex landscape, Shearwater Law is trusted by leading insurers, policyholders, reinsurers, brokers and other intermediaries to achieve successful resolutions.

With a history anchored in the maritime industry, our lawyers have an excellent knowledge of wordings, claims handling, and coverage issues across all areas of shipping and transport insurance.

With such knowledge to hand, we can provide advice on myriad marine insurance issues – from policy wordings to claims covered by those policies.

Shearwater Law’s marine insurance team is adept at advising on all types of marine insurance issues, wielding our extensive global network and expertise to provide concise, robust yet realistic advice.

Ensure you’ve got the very best marine insurance legal advice with Shearwater Law.

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